Sitemap - 2023 - The AutSide

Helping to make things right for autistic Uni students

Telehealth as a solution to the crisis in SpEd?

Upending the teaching model in the US

Do "Nature-Based Interventions" work?

Why I eat healthy by eating no "healthy foods"

Festivus surprise!

December 25th's festivities around the world and across time

Autism registry in East Haven Connecticut?

California's ELSBG Initiative Yielded Gains - Now What?

Recreational Reading

Grianstad an Gheimhridh

Can AI Transform Education for Students With Dyslexia?

The Barriers to an Adult Diagnosis of Autism

How long will you be on your meds?

Eugenics underpins AI chat bots

Lost in Translation - the Science of Reading edition

Dark Headspace - and Teaching

Traditional grading creates more problems than it solves

The problem with how we discuss literacy

Where does all the money go?

Thought experiments with ChatGPT

Promoting Inclusion in the Classroom Through Better Teacher Training

Quality of autism early intervention research questioned

Texas sues Pfizer over ADHD meds

You have the right to remain silent - so exercise it.

Differentiating readings for students with IEPs

Stop thinking in binaries already!

Guest Article: What I Do as an Autistic Art Therapist

No place for autism in AP classes?

Three Cheers for Community Organisers

Holistic Instruction vs. the Big Lie

Why do journalists lie about standardised test results?

Autism & hoarding?

Public universities should embrace students with intellectual disabilities — now

Underdiagnosed and undertreated, Black students with ADHD get left behind

A neuroscientist explains the Adderall conundrum

To Play or Not to Play: Examining Background Sounds in the Classroom

What's going on in Tennessee?

Improving Care for Autistic Adults?

Is love a battlefield for autistic people?

What about dyscalculia?

Using AI to Support Student-Led Inquiry?

Pathological Demand Avoidance vs Pervasive Desire for Autonomy

Why is gaslighting so harmful to autistics?

Reflections on life in forensic science

Broken by design?

Google barf?

Weaponized Autism?

Does autism pose advantages in bystander scenarios?

Decolonizing language instruction

Deconstructing a Native Advertisement

Visual discrimination and autism

When is genocide not genocide?

What if Disney was POTUS?

Autistic criminal mastermind?

Holistic maths instruction?

1 in 4 autistic adolescents in the New York-New Jersey metropolitan area are undiagnosed

Parents of special ed students who don’t speak English face another hurdle in Washington state

You'll own nothing. But will you be happy?

Employment questions for autistics

Reflections on getting older as an autistic person

Psychiatry's horrible history

Autistic LinkedIn?

Reframing Autism as an Alternative Form of Consciousness?

When "school choice" masks fascism

What are "evidence mills?"

What I learned this week: sovereignty

Tricare and ABA?

Where’s the Evidence from The Reading League’s Corporate Sponsors?

Reasons Why More Students Are in Special Education

Students Are Missing School Because They’re Too Anxious to Show Up

UDL Week: Why no UDL for adult professional meetings?

UDL Week: Day 7 - Direct / Explicit Instruction and pre-teaching new vocabulary

UDL Week: Day 6 - Support for Unfinished Learning

UDL Week: Day 5 - Twice Exceptional / Gifted

UDL Week: Day 4 - English Language Learners / Emerging Bilinguals

UDL Week: Day 3 - Autism

UDL Week: Day 2 - Other Health Impairments

UDL Week: Day 1 - Specific Learning Disabilities

Taking the SAT as an autistic student

Have you heard of the ancient sport, poona?

When AI hallucinates ...

Why are there so many articles about the "double empathy problem?"

Using AI Assistance to Support Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Writing

Yes, incarcerated youth are entitled to an education in the US

Special interest update: Cenél Loairn

How many biological sex chromosome variations are there?

Banned Books Week: AB 1078

K-2 Universal Screening for Reading Difficulties: California's SB 114

Banned Books Week: The Color of Earth (series)

Someone just invented the wheel

Banned Books Week: Persepolis

Maximum Caseload: a brief pause for poetry

Let Freedom Read

Study shows nearly 300% increase in ADHD medication errors

Banned Books Week: The Hate U Give

Marital Status: Parents of Autistic Individuals Studied

Transforming School Culture: Training Educators to Recognize and Prevent Bullying

LBGTQ+ History Month - meet Bayard Rustin

An Update to Section 504?

Book bans are about something other than books

Reduced brain connectivity along the autism spectrum controlled for familial confounding by co-twin design

Time-to-event estimation of birth prevalence trends

HBR: People with Disabilities Are an Untapped Talent Pool

Getting parents ready for the coming scarcity in autism diagnoses

Advantages of dyslexic workers

Plunder, Private Equity, and Education

The Importance of Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Reviewing the legacy of racist scientists

Am I Autistic? Utility of the Girls Questionnaire for Autism Spectrum Condition as an Autism Assessment in Adult Women

Autistic adults show enhanced generosity to socially distant others

Two tales of decorum

ADHD linked to higher risk of developing other disorders and attempted suicide, new study finds

Teachers are digging even deeper to afford classroom necessities

Stanford Study Reveals Broader Memory Challenges in Autistic Children

Thoughts on justice and strikes

Some thoughts on student loan debt

Beware the Reading League

Ugh, paywalls


Nothing about us without us

FDA approves generic versions of ADHD drug Vyvanse

Fit for purpose?

Teacher vacancies jump by 51% in the US

Sensory sensitivity vs head-on-a-swivel

Report reveals over 10,000 young kids did not receive mandated special education services

What federal education data shows about students with disabilities in the U.S.

Idaho parents may wait years for autistic children to see a proper specialist

In defense of Equity Grading and Instruction

How Do Public Schools Identify Learning Disabilities In Students?

Choosing Your College Campus: 10 Must-Ask Questions for Autistic High School Seniors

Symptoms previously considered 'defective' in patients with language disorder may actually be adaptive

Blue Envelope Bill aims to help autistic drivers and police during traffic stops in Massachusetts

The Voyage of Bran for the modern era

Teacher shortages are everywhere in the US

As Higher Ed Goes Digital, ADA Compliance Falls Behind

What's the matter here?

The Collateral Damage of ADHD Drug Shortages

15 Tips for Self-Advocates

Is tele-health the answer to the diagnosis backlog?

What kind of autism content is on TikTok?

Autism prevalence trending down?

They still don't get it

Deconstructing Jacques Derrida

Health conditions in autism: Defining the trajectory from adolescence to early adulthood

The intersection of autism & gender dysphoria

Art That Captures What it Feels Like to Be Autistic

Screen-Induced Autism?

Undreaming Wétiko?

Autism as place?

Who Autism Research Leaves Out

New genetic clues uncovered in largest study of families with multiple autistic children

What are the results of "test and punish?"

What is the adult autistic population in the US?

US Lawmakers Propose New Bill That Would Help Fund EHRs for Behavioral Health Providers

The problems with teaching in the US

The US is failing its students, again

More of the same will lead to more of the same

What federal education data shows about disabled students in the U.S.

Writing Across The Curriculum (Yikes)

Can Young Children Actually Learn From Educational Apps?

The Native Ads need to catch up

Indiana program tests the effectiveness of primary care doctors diagnosing autism

Repetition is the key to learning

Non-human biological pilots

ChatGPT, meet

Little-Discussed Reasons Why Students Might Not Like to Read

How do assessment and accountability systems work?

What's going on in Houston, Tx?

Mom, I want to be a teacher when I grow up.

Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) benefits are available in California

Today, I identify as a space beagle. Tomorrow, we'll see ...

Here we go again

Nobody asked autistic adults?

Is DEI a bad thing?

Autism and sleep

Autism behind bars

Focusing on friendships

The effect of learning to drum on behaviour and brain function in autistic adolescents

Reading for pleasure early in childhood linked to better cognitive performance and mental wellbeing in adolescence

Ways teachers are configuring AI for classroom use

Autistics are more likely to experience depression and anxiety than are neurotypicals

Alternative Employment Paths Exist for Those With Learning Disabilities

Do adaptive assessments disadvantage students?

It’s only a matter of time before A.I. chatbots are teaching in primary schools

Prepare for chatbots to teach kids to read

Does the word Pathogenesis belong in discussions of autism?

Autism, Inc.: The Autism Industrial Complex

Inclusiveness for Autistic Students

Is it anxiety or ADHD, or both?

Is There a Best Time in Life to Learn You're Autistic

Netherlands doctors are euthanizing autistic people

Another TFA Rebranding

Advocate or Activist? It depends upon who's asking

Book bans and blow backs

Help Wanted (still) - SpEd Teachers

Autistic Traits and Eating Disorders

Effect of the Method of Training on Generalization of Social Skills in Autistic Children

Explore how AuDHD impacts relationships differently than autism alone

Surviving a job interview as a non-verbal autistic person

School voucher programs bankrupting states, a design flaw or a feature?

What are low incidence disabilities?

New Paper: Spelling Interventions for Elementary and Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities: A Systematic Review

A new employment model for autistic people with intellectual disabilities?

Current trends in autism research—the helpful & the harmful

Autistic verbal & nonverbal communication differences

Retrocausality, Teleology, and one's Quality World Picture

Is it Long Past Time to End the Tyranny of High-Stakes Testing in Education?

Will capitalism save education from the problems it created?

Autistic life expectancy

Autism and the Power Threat Meaning Framework

Calling in "Burned Out" to work

Capitalism's impact on the autistic experience

Intentionally planning for college

The complexities of identity

ChatGPT channels Charles Mackay

Autism and PICA

Is arming educators a bad idea?

“The Right to Read” is Horse Manure

Black People Stimming

Metaphysical musings on what non-verbal means

First they blamed our mothers, now our fathers.

Making IEP Behavioural Goal Action Plans with ChatGPT

Q&A: Offering Autism Services to Non-English Speakers Requires More Than Translation

Left behind in school evacuations, disabled students demand more protection in New Jersey

The Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS)

What differentiation can look like in a maths classroom

More fun with ChatGPT

How to study?

Who knew this was a thing?

The policing of queer students

The impact of school vouchers in the US

ChatGPT 4.0 + Scholar AI

Using ChatGPT to help create SMART IEP goals

ChatGPT 3.5 vs 4.0

Recent interview about rise in autism prevalence ignores the Text Revision to the DSM

How Police Interrogation Techniques Fail Autistic People

Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools and the adjudication process of a special education dispute

Natural Language Processing: the big picture

The links between gender, autism, and anxiety explored ... or are they?

No Place For Autism?

EdWeek breaks down the US budget fight in terms of its effects on education

Parents fight back against allegedly abusive Principal

The next shiny object in education

Are autism and selective mutism mutually exclusive?

Mapping gene expression patterns within the brain

The war against AM radios?

What are Natural Language Processors?

Getting old as an autistic person

Most Americans are unhappy with the math taught in classrooms, new survey shows

Distinguishing Similar Traits of Autism and ADHD - A Challenge for Science and Society

A note on the new Notes feature

GLP, assimilation, and fun with ChatGPT

Unlocking the Mysteries of Autism? Mapping the Molecular Signaling Mechanisms of Phenotypic Heterogeneity

Interacting with government in America as an autistic person

What's wrong with "affinity graduations?"

Join me on Notes

Is maternal prenatal exposure to lithium in drinking water associated with autism in offspring?

What is Manifestation Determination?

Congress weighs support for college students with disabilities - chooses to support corporations instead

Are US polling locations ADA compliant?

A basic introduction to ChatGPT for autistic people

The ADA needs an update for the digital era

Where's the science in the Science of Reading?

New Study: many young autistic kids are kicked out of day care

Are the pandemic babies and kids OK?

Why is eye contact different for autistics?

Bionic Reader

Amid educator shortage, Minnesota bill endangers thousands of special ed, rural and tech teachers

Autism support organizations: free AAC devices, grants, and more

‘Flourishing’ measure may not hold up for autistic children

Why many autistic empaths suffer with chronic anxiety

Rates of autism diagnosis in children are at an all time high - CDC

Keynote Speech at United Nations by Embrace Autism's Dr. Natalie Engelbrecht

The Absolute Folly of Standardization

The role of the free public school in autistic liberation?

The World of Autistic Imagination

Learning and Reading

Where to find my book, No Place for Autism?

Why do doctors recommend extensive therapies after an autism diagnosis?

Why kids aren't falling in love with reading

A Minority View?

Why aren't student teachers paid?

Researchers are still looking for the "cause" of autism

How dyslexia changes in other languages

Neurotypical accommodations and unwritten Rules

2023 EdTech Evidence Mid-Year Report

A future without printed books?

New journals seek to fill neurodiversity gap

Biden budget increases spending on SPED?

Where's the money?

National Parents Bill of Rights?

Eating disorders and autism

Why do autistic people have such trouble sleeping?

What does it mean to pre-teach vocabulary?

Do autistic people lie?

What is explicit instruction?

More misleading headlines

SEL and students with disabilities in the classroom

Is there no place for autism?

Why are autistic traits often mischaracterized as BPD traits?

Does telemedicine offer hope in speeding up access to diagnoses?

Where will special education go in privatized schooling?

What is cooperative overlap?

Roald Dahl: censorship or good sense?

When will they learn?

Retaining Special Educators with Autism Expertise in Schools

When headlines mislead.

Sensory Processing Issues Explained

What is Arkansas thinking?

Follow the money, or why the DSM had to be revised again

Substance Use Disorders and ADHD: 5 Key Facts and Additional Resources

Autism & eating disorders: could Alexythemia be the missing link?

Autistic women’s experiences of diagnosis

What is Empathic Attunement?

What's behind the autism sex ratio?

Honey bees: understanding autism & social behaviour

63% of educators consider leaving profession

The School Choice Wars

How to Keep Students Writing in the Age of AI Tools

Pregnancy as "involuntary servitude?"

There’s a new high school diploma for Indiana students with significant cognitive disabilities

Autism research at the crossroads

The Death Of The Dollar

How DARPA, 'Star Trek,' and UFOs Inspired This Engineer to Unravel the Secrets to Warp Drive Propulsion

English is a limiting language that prevents us from communicating with complexity

Is there no place for autism?

The Pros And Cons Of Identifying As Disabled

Do People With ADHD Have a Creative Advantage?

What do IEP goals for twice exceptional students look like?

LA Parents, Advocates Blast Uneven Recovery Plan for Students With Disabilities

Are disabled people being disregarded by businesses?

Are allergic diseases genetically related to developmental differences?

Sony announces new controller aimed at disabled gamers

Big Pharma is coming for your chubby teen

Common ADHD Myths

Do protocols for school safety infringe on disability rights?

Bracing for a Tidal Wave of Unnecessary Special Education Referrals

How Inflation Is Squeezing Educators

Disabled students face setbacks, safety risks as Oregon special education systems struggle

What exactly is 'neurodiversity?' Using accurate language about disability matters in schools.

Another way of viewing echolalia

Staffed Up: The push and pull of strategic pay as a teacher shortage solution

For disabled children of military parents, frequent moves can lead to schooling and health care gaps

What’s up! I can’t read.

Youngest Kids in Class More Likely to Get Prescribed ADHD Meds

Researchers gain a better understanding of how the most commonly used ADHD medication works

Is there anything wrong with using genetic + registry data in an AI model to predict a diagnosis?

″Acting out is their way of not looking or feeling stupid, or that they can′t do something.″

Creating a Gradeless Class in a School That Requires Grades?

Is there a link between hearing loss and autism?

Reconciling active learning methods with legacy standardized testing