This is why I have such a deep hatred of HBR now. After working there and trying to point this out about their content over and over again, especially when it comes to some of the vile, dehumanizing commoditization of autistic people they have committed for decades, I left with a burning desire to expose them and to see their prestige and credibility destroyed. Every attempt I made to enlighten management about how it's not okay to view humans as either profitable or not profitable investment units was met with resistance or acknowledgement that while I was certainly correct, nothing could be done because it just is the way it is. And then they let me go, two months into my new contract after being there nearly a year and a half, a disabled autistic agender person who fled the country to keep my loved ones and myself safe. They destabilized an entire trans, queer, and disabled family, but have the audacity to sell themselves as the global leaders in DEI and leadership thinking and training to international businesses. It's all lies and hypocrisy though. I had told them that I didn't feel comfortable with the project I was working on for these reasons and that it felt very imperialist to me, to presume they have what the world wants and needs. Probably why they let me go, but also seems likely it was because I was struggling so hard to give them full time work due to my stroke and said I wanted to work part time and they let me go shortly after that. Fuck HBR.

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So sorry this happened to you 😢

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Jaime Hoerricks, PhD


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