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Thanks for writing this! I worry about this problem a lot. I know there are a lot of autistic people who can work, and can't get past the job interview stage. I hope that's not your situation. It's been a problem for me recently, so I've been focusing more on freelancing.

We need to make job interviews more equitable to neurodivergent people. Business cultures also need to become more accepting of difference and able to make accommodations, so that those who do get a job, don't get fired.

I especially appreciate the unemployment rate statistics and link to the Forbes article. It came at the perfect time, as I'm writing about this topic myself. In fact, I'm working on a pitch for Forbes right now about a way to make job interviews more fair to autistic candidates!

(Hope you don't mind my saying this, but if you'd like to share any thoughts, experiences, statistics, etc. for this story, let me know!)

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