Sitemap - 2022 - The AutSide

Bedtime strategies for autistic kids can help all families get more sleep

How Universities Are Developing New Technologies For Disabled People

Poll finds youth mental health crisis is not getting better

Writing Difficulties? — Is it Dysgraphia?

There are so many jobs, but people just don't want to work

Surge in remote working due to COVID fuels record employment for disabled people

San Diego Unified flagged for unfair discipline toward Black special education students

Holidays and the Disruption of Routine

Parents battle to recoup special education services lost to Covid

Using Sensory Experiences to Support Elementary Students

The Lifestyle Factors That Ease or Worsen ADHD Symptoms in Children

First-of-its-kind analysis uncovers widespread use of suspensions for attendance violations in Arizona

Does big tech think autistic children are cash machines?

Is it your ADHD, or the pandemic?

Amplifying Voices

New Report from Global Google Research Project Considers the 'Future of Education'

Autism Comorbidity: Conditions Commonly Found with Autism

New study questions the perception that autistic people experience less pain

Make Greenland green again?

Researchers are still looking to pin autism on someone

When oligarchy masks as nutrition science

Job Seekers With Disabilities Need To Know Their Legal Rights From The Get-Go

Students sue Yale University, alleging discrimination against students with mental health disabilities

Will special education debates open the way for school vouchers in Texas?

When the ‘gifted’ kids aren’t all right

Music class in sync with higher math scores, but only at higher-income schools

Guidance Helps Schools Support Students with Disabilities and Avoid Disparities in the Use of Discipline

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Services Provided in Head Start Programs

U.S. Department of Education Sends Letter to State Directors of Special Education about Highly Mobile Children

Prognostications on MRNA platforms

Clinical trials often exclude people with intellectual disabilities, a new study shows

Washington’s special education age limit is illegal, lawsuit claims

Problems with new data system hindering aid to Louisiana's disabled students

Why accessibility tools and apps can be a boon for all students

Difficulty in focusing attention in children predicts early adolescent depression

Why Autistic People Can Struggle in the Workplace

A Thanksgiving history

Free assessments that can be done at home

Online program to support children with reading difficulties helped them make significant progress

Prognostications on the future of Twitter

Longer School Days, Years Could Hit NJ Classrooms Under New Bill

How are kids with disabilities doing post-COVID? Shamefully, we still don’t know.

The sinister demand side economics of psychiatry

X-chromosome variants may help explain autism’s sex bias

Implicit bias is a top reason for missing an ADHD diagnosis in women

The musings of a bored autistic brain

Likelihood of receiving an autism diagnosis may depend on where you live

In Louisiana, cameras are coming to special education classes due to a new law

States struggle to staff special education services, leaving students with limited options

Modern, vibrant classrooms vs. sensory processing issues

Autism vs. the Gate Keepers

Pre-service Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Including Autistic Students in General Education

The new anxiety screening protocol in the US

Adderall shortage leaves people with ADHD scrambling

Quality Adjusted Life Years and Autism

Please don't tell autistic people that the sky is blue.

ADHD Drugs Negatively Affect Bone Density

Have we finally arrived at Dr. Moreau's island?

A disturbing trend in special education

New research confirms what autistic people already know

Are establishing deadlines worth the panic attacks?

Would you take an experimental drug to stop your desire to stim?

Support high school theatre programmes

A different view on the "mental health crisis"


Active listening - the autistic version

Getting accommodations for the PSAT / SAT

What is Chunking?

The relevance of Red Clydeside today

The tale of two competing views

U.S. Department of Education Disperses Funds to Support Parents of Children with Disabilities

Windows and mirrors

The first autistic person to ...

The Science of Reading ... what actually works?

You and I are abnormal, and that's fantastic!

Teaching language to non-verbal populations

Misleading headlines and wrongheaded schemes

Is it Nonverbal Learning Disorder or ADHD?

When Schools Resist Evaluating & Addressing Learning Disabilities

Are there two sides to the ABA coin?

Almost Every State Needs More Special Ed Teachers. How Can They Get Them?

The corporate capture of education in the US is not a good development for students with special needs

New Guidance Helps Schools Support Students with Disabilities and Avoid Discriminatory Use of Discipline

Search engine bias

Understanding Intrusive Thoughts

Autism and Pragmatics

Grunya Efimovna Sukhareva - the woman who defined autism

How history forgot the woman who defined autism

Does Language Matter?

Does Remote Learning Lead to Sleep Challenges

Do You Expect Discomfort When Learning?

Literacy instruction for autistic children who live in cultures where the primary languages are not English

Why animal based fats are an optimal and necessary part of the human diet

Do autistic people make the best teachers?

The Power Threat Meaning Framework

Questions Often Asked by Parents about Special Education Services

It's time to ditch the disease model in psych

Why should you care about understanding the historical & geopolitical context of psychiatry?

Teen Sleep, Brain Science and the Debate Over School Start Times

Autistic people are often the targets of violence

In Lieu of Flowers

Modern Eugenics - Yuval Noah Harari

The Social Functions of Language

Anxiety and panic from misunderstanding words?

Do autistics have a problem with semantics?

The problem of waiting for children to fail before they receive help

Does society value special education teachers & home health care workers?

It's time to move on from the Medical / Social Models of Disability

Autistic Infodumping

Prompting, Self-Management, and ADHD

How helpful are functioning labels?

Identification and Evaluation of Children with Suspected Disabilities

What are Auditory Processing Disorders

Reframing Symptoms as Traits

Text books should educate, not indoctrinate

Autism and place

Is your loved one a picky eater?

Inclusion or Mainstreaming: which is better for your special education student?

Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist? Really?

Is medication helpful or harmful?

Tapping into the Quantum Nature of Your Mind

Melt Downs and Shut Downs, oh my!

Is there something wrong with you?

Special Interests?

How should we frame language instruction in non-verbal populations?

How does language acquisition work if you're non-verbal?

Alexithymia and Autistic Student Behaviours

Our right to exist

Who is disordered - me or the system?

Coming out as autistic

Leaky Gut, or something else entirely?

What is duty?

Autism and flow states

My Diagnosis Journey

What I love about being autistic

What’s New in the DSM-5-TR?

Overpopulation is a myth

It's Time to Reduce Prompt Dependence

Autism and Empathy

Where’s the evidence in evidence-based therapies

Pathological Demand Avoidance and Autism

I'm a foreigner

Can you polygraph an autistic person successfully?

When actually autistic people speak

Welcome to the AutSide